
Building authority approval for IPL 17 and IPK172

General building authority approval granted for our IPL 17 vibration insulation panel and IPK172 vibration insulation package by the German Institute for Building Technology DIBt.

In March 2017, isoloc applied to the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) for building authority approval for the IPL 17 vibration insulation panel and the IPK172 vibration insulation package.

On July 12, 2019 and July 17, 2019, the respective approval was granted by the DIBt.
IPL17 under the number: Z-16.32-496
IPK172 under the number: Z-16.32-504

The two elastomer mounts are used for point and surface mounts as well as for vibration isolation in building construction. Point bearings can also be designed as round bearings. The mounts can be used indoors and outdoors.

We will be happy to send you further information or the certificate upon request .